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Mental health lesson resources

What can we offer schools and colleges?

close-up of writing notes

HeadsUp Mental Health Lesson Resources

With increasing need for mental health education and support across the borough, HeadsUp have created a series of 6 video and activity packs aimed at Key Stage 3 and 4.

The packs include:

  • 6 educational videos filmed with our young volunteers covering topics such as: An introduction to mental health, coping strategies, navigating mental health services, and how to support friends and family.
  • 6 lesson plans corresponding to each video topic
  • Classroom resources and teacher notes
  • Symptoms and mental health support directories
  • Homework and research activities
Take a look at a sample lesson plan:

HeadsUp_ActivityPack_Lesson 1_We all have mental health_sample

We are also able to offer the following services:

  • Staff Training and CPD
  • Parent Workshops
  • Student Assemblies and Workshops
  • Student drop in sessions