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Help Mindline TRANS+ expand to 3 evenings a week

A small donation can help this national helpline expand and continue.

Mindline TRANS+ image for news story 27 Aug 2020


MindLine TRANS+ is a confidential emotional mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary…  They also support  family members and friends and provide signposting to other services and resources.

It is a national helpline, and can be called from anywhere in the UK.

The MindLine TRANS+ provides a safe place to talk about your feelings confidentially. They don’t record calls nor ask for any personal details. Listeners will try understand the multitude of feelings and concerns that may be going on for you. They are here to listen and offer their support.

This helpline is run by volunteers with lived experience of Trans+ or are Allies responding to your calls as often as possible and are open 2 evenings a week Mondays and Fridays from 8pm to midnight, 0300 330 5468.


This is a vital service for people in society who are at a greater risk of hate crime and of experiencing mental health problems.  

A transgender mental health study showed that 88% of transgender people had experienced depression and 84% had thought of ending their life. 

To find out more about the service and donate, please visit their fundraising page here.