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Training for Professionals & Volunteers

FREE training for those who work with children and young people, hosted by HeadsUp Partners.


I learnt to listen, offer time and space, a calm environment and eye contact.
Training attendee

Young refugees & migrants

A trauma-informed approach to understanding the experiences and needs of young people who are from a refugee, migrant or asylum seeking background.

Thurs 27th June 2024, 9:30am-1pm (In person Harrow venue TBC)

ADHD & Autism

What an ADHD or autism diagnoses means for young people, the challenges they might face, and how we can support them with their wellbeing.

ADHD & Autism, Thurs 13th June 2024, 10:30 am-2pm (In person Harrow venue TBC)

Sexuality & gender identity

How we might identify in relation to their sexuality or gender, challenges that young persons can face, and how they want to be supported.

Book here

Thurs 16th May 2024, 9.30am-1:00 pm (In person Harrow venue TBC)