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Louise's story

Stepping Stones learner

I am very grateful to Mind for the Stepping Stones Yoga and Cartooning courses they enabled me to attend, as they have helped me immensely. During Yoga I picked up great mindfulness and breathing techniques which I always use to relax and de-stress.

At the time I felt extremely stressed and depressed with my housing situation, not working and being on benefits. It was really good to have a new regular activity to attend and an opportunity of meeting new people.

“The cartooning course was life-changing for me.”

The cartooning course was life-changing for me as it enabled me to express myself and release emotions through a childhood passion. I had amazing tutors for both courses who adjusted their teaching methods to ensure I could hear and follow and it made me feel included. I now aspire to help more deaf people in the future with cartoons and drawing as my tutor helped me.

Thank you to all involved with Mind.