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Modupe's story


My lifelong battle with a mental health condition – which lead to hospitalisation twice in 2015 – has always pushed me to want to make a difference for others.

2015 was my wake-up call that mental health is just as important as physical health, and if we don’t take care of it or get the right support, it can have a significant effect on our lives and that of others around us.

Raising Mental Health Awareness is one of my true passions, so to mark 5 years since my whole world was turned upside down (in many ways, for the better) and to celebrate having #BeatTheJanuaryBlues and #TimeToTalkDay, I hosted a fundraising games night for a few of the funniest and smartest minds I know.

We have now raised three times as much money as my initial target, whilst also having fun and talking openly about mental health. I was able to do this with support from all my loving friends, who shared my donation link on their social media pages. So far I have raised £600 and counting…

I honestly encourage others to raise whatever they can, be it funds and/or awareness, for mental health and mental health services, like Mind in Harrow, so no one has to face a mental health problem alone. Without Mind, I know I wouldn’t be here to tell this story, and campaign for others; just like Mind’s mission statement says, I won’t give up till everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect.