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Supporting International Day of People with Disabilities



According to the WHO World Report on Disability, 15 per cent of the world’s population, or more than 1 billion people, are living with disability. Of this number, it’s estimated 450 million are living with a mental or neurological condition— and two-thirds of these people will not seek professional medical help, largely due to stigma, discrimination and neglect.

Mind in Harrow is supporting and celebrating International Day of People with Disabilities and will be delivering an on-line session at a virtual event delivered by Middlesex FA, London FA and specialist partner organisations.  The event, ‘Let’s Get Inclusive’, offers a series of inclusive workshops to support and develop disability football in Middlesex and London.

Our workshop, ‘Let’s Get Mental Health Aware’ will run from 11am to 12 noon and will take a close look at mental health and why it is everybody’s business.  We will explore what we can do to protect our own mental health, how to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental ill health in others and find out what we can do to support others.  The talk will be be followed by a Question and Answer Session.

To find out more about the event and book:


A free online virtual event with London FA with a series of inclusive workshops to support and develop disability football in Middlesex and London. 

Disabled people are twice as likely to be to less active than non-disabled people, and with four in five disabled people wanting to be more active its critical to understand how we can empower more disabled people to take part in physical activity.

Whether you are a club, coach, referee, teacher, player or disabled people’s organisation, Let’s Get Inclusive will give you the opportunity to participate in one or more of our workshops throughout the day, delivered by Middlesex FA, London FA and specialist partner organisations.