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SMI Physical Health Checks

Did you know?

People with severe mental illness need to take extra care of their physical health.

They are at greater risk of certain health conditions that can be serious. The good news, however, is that these health conditions can be treated.

Attending an annual physical health check is an important first step towards improving physical health.

When you attend an annual physical health check, your GP will be able to spot health conditions that are starting to develop, or advise you on health conditions that you might develop. The earlier this happens, the sooner steps can be taken to improve your health or reduce the risk of your health deteriorating.

This could mean a better quality of life for years to come.


Who should have an annual physical health check?

An annual physical health check is important if you have received a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder, or have experienced an episode of non-organic psychosis.

Medication you take to manage your mental health can have side effects that in turn may increase your risk of physical health conditions.

Also your lifestyle, like how much you smoke, how much alcohol you drink, what you eat and how much exercise you take, can add to the risks of you developing certain health conditions.


What should you do?

If you:

  • have received a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder, or have experienced an episode of non-organic psychosis, AND
  • are over 18 years old, AND
  • live in the borough of Harrow or have a GP in the borough of Harrow

then you may already have received an invitation to attend an annual physical health check.

If you need help to make the GP appointment or need someone to attend it with you, we are here to help.


How can we help?

If you are worried about attending an annual physical health check, for whatever reason, or you want to talk to someone about your health risks, then we would be happy to speak to you.

We may be able to make suggestions that could make the physical health check easier.

Following your appointment, we can support you with information and advice on accessing groups and activities in the community.

We are here for you, no matter what, even after the health check is done


Please call or email:
020 8426 0929