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Suriya's story

Stepping Stones learner

Having experienced the effect that long term stress can have, both physically and mentally, I’m so glad I have participated in some of the Stepping Stones courses provided by Mind in Harrow. The classes I’ve taken have been run by such knowledgeable and kind tutors.

These courses gave me some tools to help myself and also for all the offers of support

The Natural Remedies course has taught me how to make my own self-care and home products with natural ingredients, often using what I already had in my cupboards. I also gained a basic knowledge of Aromatherapy oils for wellbeing. I still put into practise everything I learnt on the course.

I’ve also completed the Qigong course, learning a set of gentle but very effective stretching exercises with deep breathing, which I found both relaxing and energising! The way the group was sensitively lead helped us to connect and make friendships. We have created a WhatsApp group after the course has ended and still connect and meet up occasionally.

So thank you Mind in Harrow for running these courses which gave me some tools to help myself and also for all the offers of support.