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Stepping Stones – A Celebration of Art and Community

A celebration of art and community.

The Stepping Stones exhibition was successfully relaunched after an extended break, offering attendees a captivating showcase of artwork that celebrates creativity as a tool for mental well-being.


Held at Cafe OneForty in Harrow, the exhibition spanned four days, drawing art enthusiasts and community members alike. The event provided a platform to celebrate the remarkable talent of our service users, with an array of captivating paintings, sculptures, and other artworks on display.

One of the exhibition’s highlights was the presence of a service user  – Monica Gefen, who showcased her inspiring artwork created as part of the Stepping Stones project. Her participation served as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of art in promoting mental well-being. Monica who has been with Mind in Harrow for about 30 years stated “I have loads of paintings with Keith that totally saved my life, I’ve had such fun meeting everybody and wish Mind in Harrow all the success”




In addition to showcasing the talent of our service users, the exhibition also featured a selection of artwork available for purchase, with proceeds directly supporting our vital mental health services. The enthusiastic response from attendees was heartening, as many embraced the opportunity to acquire meaningful artwork while supporting our cause.

The official relaunch event on Friday was a resounding success, with attendees enjoying refreshments as they celebrated the return of the Stepping Stones project. It was a joyous occasion filled with laughter, camaraderie, and appreciation for the transformative power of art.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the success of the exhibition, and we look forward to continuing our mission of empowering individuals through art. Especially Keith Liberty, the former stepping stones art teacher who curated the whole exhibition.