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About Youth Services & HeadsUp Partnership

More about Mind in Harrow’s Young Persons’ services, and our charity partnership HeadsUp

Since 2018, we’ve led HeadsUp, a North-West London charity partnership providing specialist wellbeing services for young persons who face additional barriers to accessing support.

To inquire about support from the HeadsUp partners, please complete a referral form.

Our partners are:

HeadsUp Logo

Education & Training

Mind in Harrow delivers mental wellbeing workshops for young persons aged 8-25, and training for parents, carers, professionals and volunteers.

We work with young people aged 18-29 with experience of mental health challenges to co-design and co-deliver our education and training. If you’re interested, it’d be great to hear from you.

 Contact us

Email us about training and workshops, if you’re interested in volunteering, or just for a chat!

Mind in Harrow’s Young Persons’ Services and the HeadsUp Partnership are funded by

Community Fund Logo