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Awareness Days

World Mental Health Day 2024

World Mental Health Day 2024

On Thursday, 10th October 2024, we will come together to mark World Mental Health Day. This global initiative raises awareness about mental health and encourages

World Suicide Prevention Day Harrow

World Suicide Prevention Day: Raising Awareness

Every year, World Suicide Prevention Day reminds us how vital it is to support mental health and prevent suicide. At Mind in Harrow, we focus

Supporting International Day of People with Disabilities

According to the WHO World Report on Disability, 15 per cent of the world’s population, or more than 1 billion people, are living with disability.

Supporting Carers Rights Day

In a recent survey of nearly 6,000 carers, Carers UK found: Four in five unpaid carers are providing more care for relatives 78% reported that the

World Mental Health Day 2020

This year's theme is 'Mental Health for All' and here's how Harrow is raising awareness. Mind in Harrow will be active on social media in

10 Sep 2020 image for World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day

Suicide is a tough topic for many to confront, but it’s important not to shy away from these conversations. Mind in Harrow supports World Suicide

Image for website - youth mental health day 7 Sep 2020

Happy Youth Mental Health Day!

At Mind in Harrow, our HeadsUp project supports Youth Mental Health Day  on 7 September 2020 to encourage understanding and awareness of mental health in

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world

7-11th October: National Work Life Week

It’s an opportunity for employers to show their employees, and potential candidates, how their organisation is striving for a family friendly and flexible working culture.