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Time To Talk Day 2nd February 2023

Why is Time to Talk Day so important? There are so many reasons why Time to Talk Day is vital. Here are just a few:

Warm Hubs currently open in Harrow

With many people struggling to heat their homes over winter and the weather getting colder, SWiSH has tried to find all of the organizations opening

Mind your Money 13th edition

Mind in Harrow has recently released our latest edition of Mind your Money. An up to date and detailed information pack regarding benefit changes, cost

Charterhouse Accountants Volunteer in Mind in Harrow Shop

As part of Charterhouse Accountants supporting Mind in Harrow as their charity of the year, volunteers spent the day in the Mind in Harrow shop,

World Mental Health Day 2022

Today we celebrate World Mental Health Day.  Mind in Harrow is the leading independent mental health organization in Harrow, offering high-quality services to local residents

Mind in Harrow are looking for new Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners

Mind in Harrow are currently looking for new Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP's). This is a postgraduate opportunity at University College London, the course begins in

Harrow-based Charterhouse Accountants support Mind in Harrow for second year to top £4500

Charterhouse Accountants Michael Andrelos (right) Usman Azam (left) and Associate Director Raj Jiwani braved the skies to parachute 10,000 feet as part of the Charterhouse

Mental Health and Stigma Busting Masterclass

Mind in Harrow are now delivering ‘Mental Health and Stigma Masterclasses’ to 5th year medical students at Imperial College London, and influencing the next generation

Boost your Confidence FREE online workshop 21st July 2022 at 2pm